Thursday, November 15, 2007

24 hours in a day. 24 cans in a tray of beer. Coincidence?

An old indian was feeling out of sorts one day so he went to the medicine man to get some help. After a short discussion it was determined that the man's problem was that he had never had sex. So he goes to the local cathouse steps up to the madam and says "Have wampum, want woman!" The madam soon finds out he's never had a woman and tells him he must get some experience first and then come back. So the old indian goes back to the medicine man for advice. and is told to go into the forest and find a tree with a knothole and practice on it. A few days later the man goes back to the cathouse and says "Got wampum want woman!" This time he tells the madam that he has experience. He goes up to the room, and a short while later an attractive girl comes into the the room and lies down. He says "Get up!" She does. He reaches under the bed and pulls out one of the wood slats from under the frame, and hits her hard across the ass with it. She screems, "What the hell are you doing you pervert!!" He replies, "Checkum for bees!!". He had indeed gotten experience.

Stunning Misty Taylor Twins

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